
50 Game Reviews

19 w/ Responses

Very relaxing game, and I love the cute little story you get at the end of each level! Feels like a fun reward to figuring it out.

I think I found a bug where arrow keys sometimes seem stuck (if one sheep is against a wall, I can't seem to move any further with arrow keys) but I can if I drag a specific sheep forward. I was expecting pressing an arrow key would move all sheep that can move in that direction.

Olivier-Guillaume responds:

I fixed the problem, thank you for helping me find it!

I'll update the game once the judging are finished.

In the meantime you can avoid the bug by maintaining the keys down a bit longer.

This game was super fun! I love everything about it. I love the art style and aesthetic. I love the physics-ode to Flash games of yesteryear. I love how it makes my heart race as the truck tumbles down the hill with all the pieces precariously hanging off, wondering if I'll make it!

The difficulty does ramp up pretty fast for me, the later levels look impossible to me! I think that's partially because I'm trying to go for a 100% score. Would definitely be fun to watch someone play this who can stack a lot on the later levels.

Pretty fun game! I love the idea of playing as a particularly important bit that if flipped crashes everything, and potentially dodging cosmic rays.

One thing that would be nice is having a bit of a learning curve, for example by starting with just the small particles that can be absorbed, then introducing the bigger ones etc. I initially thought I was just supposed to avoid everything.

An alternative control scheme that would be interesting to explore is if the particle just following your finger (but maybe has a limited movement speed), that way you have tight control over the character but still need to think ahead & quick.

ImmanentDeath responds:

Thanks! I hadn't thought of using a drag mechanic. I just made it one-button for simplicity, and it also lets PC players use the spacebar if they want.

All of the art is really beautiful! Love the characters and the dialogue too. I also could totally see this as like a relaxing endless farming game.

Pretty fun game for something you did just for learning! How long did it take you to put together?

It was a fun mechanic to have to decide whether I wanted to dash for the next target or try to strategically stun my opponent (while avoiding being stunned myself). I can imagine this being really fun to play with another human player, especially with a few tweaks that make it more strategic (like if the stunning was directional, then it creates this super fun mind game: my opponent knows I want to dash to the target, so they can fire in that direction, but if I know this, then I may take a roundabout slower way to stay safe...but that gives them a chance to get it before me!!!)

One easy thing you can improve is making the flies spawn within a boundary. A lot of times they spawn almost completely off the edge of the screen, and I couldn't see it, and just saw the enemy going to the edge of the screen, and that felt unfair.

GraeBush responds:

Much appreciation for playing my game! Hope I was able to give you a few minutes of fun.

I spent about 10+ hours, over 3 days making this. First 2 were completing the brunt of it about 4 hours a day for those 2, and then the last day was playtesting, tweaking and polishing. It was fun to challenge myself with those restrictions and I am glad I was able to turn something playable.

Thank you for the thoughtful feedback my friend, it always helps.
-Originally I had the attack on a charge that would be bigger the longer you held it, but I removed it after playtesting. I could put it back in, but make it throw an attack when charged, like you suggested. Maybe make it bounce off the walls? Great idea Omar!
- I will look into the fly spawning off screen issue, do you know what resolution you played in? This was tested from 1920 x 1080 and I was aware the fly sometimes spawned behind the score sometimes, but always was on screen, I can test other resolutions and try to fix it if this is an issue.

I may come back and overhaul this one day and remake a better version thanks to your input. Thanks again.

Super cute game! I love the music and the little character. It's a fun concept that's pretty intuitive to grasp. At first I didn't realize I could grab the eggs and was just waiting for the right colors to fall so I can catch them, but quickly realized I had more control.

Super unique game idea! I had to refresh the game to get to see the controls again since I didn't get it the first time. I think the main part I found difficult was that the ground being too uniform made it hard to see if I was moving/where I was going.

I wonder if an alternate camera scheme would make this a lot easier, like one centered/always looking at the yolk, and just kind of rotates around it to keep you in view.

Once I got the hang of it it was fun to grab yolk and switch from 3rd to 1st person and shoot at the egg!

I also love that you tagged this "educational" 😅

3p0ch responds:

People gotta know what it's like to be a biker chick!

Edit: After playing around some more with camera placement outside the egg, it looked like having it fixed in one spot outside the egg and following the chick worked the best. So now that's what Right Mouse Button does. Thanks for the feedback!

This is a pretty cool idea! I think it might have worked better using arrow keys to move (at least it's kind of hard for me on a trackpad).

I think it'd also help to put the tutorial in the game itself, to show that instruction first few seconds when you start. And maybe start a bit easier (I kept dying in a few seconds in the beginning).

It also would be fun if the enemies didn't just always follow you, but they would kind of lunge for you, and make an arc as they swing back around, so you could side step them and watch them hit each other.

How long did it take you to put this together?

This is beautiful. I absolutely love this kind of game, where the controls and the game world change and evolve over time. It feels like there's so much room for creativity and constantly relearning and adapting. And it feels so rewarding when you DO triumph, because it's like you're battling against this omnipotent being that can change the world and yet here you are, making your way through, one level at a time, despite their best efforts.

Reminds me a lot of Tower of Heaven (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/544332).

The retro aesthetic is also so cool and unique! I absolutely love that the menu is...the start menu!

It took me 45 deaths to make it to level 5...but as really satisfying once I got it! I think the main point I was stuck on was I couldn't understand how to use the extra jumps I got. For level 4, I thought I was supposed to get the 2nd closest cherry to the ground, and I was confused why the 2nd jump wasn't working after I got the first cherry.

And I randomly discovered that that it only works if I change directly and then I passed that level almost immediately.

I think level 3 could do a better job introducing this mechanic. I still don't 100% get if my explanation above is correct.

HenrySanchezNG responds:

It's true, I didn't do a great job introducing the mechanic since I see allot of people having trouble navigating through it. Difficulty was way higher so I changed placements and added more cherry's.
Level 4 didn't have the cherry's bellow, those are suppose to be an alternate path.

The intended way to clear is jumping from right to left and you can easily make it through the top path. With the added cherry's I think it makes it even less obvious.
I'm gonna let the player know this because the game depends allot on your position during your first jump.

Very helpful review.

I absolutely love telling stories and it's more or less why I do everything I do, from making games, to teaching & writing.

Omar Shehata @OmarShehata

Age 30, Male

Graphics Programmer

Ithaca, NY

Joined on 8/1/08

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